VHF Accessories

VHF Programmer
VHF Programmer

Sett positive or negative trip Set input delay, self-test timer and mains fail / restore times Change unit code and frequency Clone feature Easy to use

$ 50.15 excl. VAT
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D20 Printer Module
D20 Printer Module

Converts output from base station into plain English text and sends to a dot matrix printer

$ 33.60 excl. VAT
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Thermal Printer
Thermal Printer

Connects directly to the base station and prints signals in simple English text with time and date stamp

$ 167.93 excl. VAT
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PSU-100 Power Supply Export
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Cabinet Weather Resistant
Cabinet Weather Resistant

Lockable IP 65 Rating

$ 151.98 excl. VAT
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Showing 1 to 5 of 5 products